
Digital storyboard program
Digital storyboard program

digital storyboard program

If you caught my reference to the Joseph Campbell title - “The Hero With A Thousand Faces” - perhaps you see where I am going with this. Specifically, I will look at how organizations can scale their reach by broadening their view of stakeholders, deepening their understanding of the problems they are solving for those stakeholders, and defining the solutions they can provide. As I will show, however, there’s an emerging approach to collective storytelling that not only aims for scale, but that also is suited to leveraging technology - some simple, some advanced - for helping to scale its reach even further. But it’s not so obvious when it comes to storytelling, a discipline that is regarded as having a lot of art but not much scaling science.

digital storyboard program

In many parts of the marketing mix - say PR, advertising, email marketing, social media - scale is an obvious goal.

digital storyboard program

The operative word here is digital because digital has changed the game for communicators with regard to the expectation for scale. What they all have in common is a point of view that I have developed throughout my career as a communications consultant to both commercial and civic organizations that are seeking to reimagine themselves in the digital world. The next four - beginning with this post - will be about practice.

Digital storyboard program series#

This is the seventh installment in my series on the art, science, and ethics of storytelling in the “age of big content and fake news.” The first six articles were about theory.

Digital storyboard program